Monday, May 9, 2016

Living with the In-laws

We have been married 5 1/2 years.
We have moved 4 times.

Personally I LOVE moving.  I love dejunking, I love cleaning, and I like organizing a new place.

We've now been in my in-laws basement for 1 1/2 years.  The longest we have been anywhere and I am going BONKERS that so much of our pretty STUFF (yes, stuff) is in storage and I can't use it.
Our new couches, the kitchen table my grandma bought right before she died, and my own dishes and kitchen supplies (which as a newlywed you get awesome stuff- you want to use it!).

In addition to this STUFF I look around our little area and wonder why there's still SO much making it cluttery.
We live in a small space-
Little man has the only bedroom in the basement.  We are SO jealous of his window.
We live in the old playroom.  Which does have the bathroom next to it so it's almost like a master bedroom.
The bathroom was just redone 4 years ago- HUGE jetted tub, granite countertop, big cabinet that stores everything you need for a bathroom.  But it is small.

We have a small fridge with a microwave on top next to the bed.
The fridge is adorable though and Caleb has already claimed it for his someday-man-cave.

There is a family room down there that the in-laws said we can make our own during Christmas but need to share the rest of the year with grandkids so they have a place to play.
But it's turned more into our family room now- Caleb has his school set-up in the far corner.
And a lot of the toys have filtered out there.

I have this strong desire to de-junk everything (plus in doing so in the spring preventing SPIDERS everywhere as the storage room in the basement is called the spider room for a reason).

But I am pregnant.
And tired.
And my husband, though he's great at cleaning, is not one for re-organizing and de-junking.
So I don't have a lot of help to get this done right now.
But I want a more simple life down there where I don't look around and get depressed that not everything has a place.

We are there for at least 2 more years until Caleb graduates.
Unless by some miracle he gets a great job or I switch to a better paying job- we are there.

My mother-in-law tells us we can never move out as she loves having us there.
My father-in-law... well I think he likes that we're clean.  :)

Using the kitchen isn't too bad.  They have all the essentials and understand we can't survive with just a microwave in the basement.

We can and shall survive and we will look back on this as a great experience and not just a humbling one, right?

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