These friends are really conservative with money and made some very wise decisions with their house that really got Caleb and I thinking- hey, if we really buckle down, we could probably afford a house while he's still in school!
So we went over some basic numbers on Sunday and think it's possible.
But I reminded him- my main priority right now is affording a longer maternity leave than last time.
I took 6 weeks last time, which was perfect for healing from a c-section.
BUT I regret not taking longer so I could have more time with my son.
So with this baby I'd like to take 10 weeks which would give me a good chunk of the end of the year off.
Hubby- "Oh, I didn't factor in your time off work for maternity leave."
Oh what men don't think about.
Luckily I KILLED it with my goals at work
*sidenote for a pat on the back- I am the only team member to go over a million dollars in revenue this year AND I hit 131% of my goals, hurrah!
So my bonus come August should be substantially greater than it's ever been.
So if we budget just right I should be able to afford that maternity leave, no problem
PLUS make a big payment on my student loans
PLUS pay for fall tuition for the hubby
But factoring in saving more for a down payment... Something we'll need to figure out.
We do already have some money saved for that but would like it to be more so the mortgage is a bit lower.
But we are kinda excited about these thoughts/ideas of being on our own.
It's nice to think like an adult sometimes. :)
But wait. We've been living with the in-laws for almost two years now.
if we buy a house we have to factor in bills- power, internet, gas.
Never mind.
We're not going be adults.
I'm good where I am.